Health Centre
The college has a Health Care Unit which arranges health checkup camp free of cost on regular basis for the benefit of the students most of whom are economically not sound. However, the teachers and the non-teaching staff also avail the facility. Experienced doctors from nearby health centre/hospital visit the camp and go over the health problems and provide them necessary advice.
The in-charge of the unit first contacts the available doctor of the nearby health centre/hospital. After getting the consent of the doctor a notice is circulated in the college informing the date and time of the camp to be arranged. The names of the interested students/teachers/non-teaching staff are noted in advance. Enrolled patients are allowed to consult the doctor under the supervision of the in-charge of the unit on the prefixed date.
The college has provided a separate room for the Health Care Unit to operate. Basic amenities including medical instruments like stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, weighing machine, first aid box, stretcher bed etc. are available for health check up and treatment.
As the doctors voluntarily attend the camp the authority has to depend on the corresponding doctor’s availability and consent. However, the college authority takes utmost care to arrange the camp on regular basis.
Future Plans
1. We want to increase the frequency of the doctor’s visit and invite more specialized doctors from reputed organizations.
2. We have a plan to tie up with nearby hospitals for organizing periodical mass health check up
camps to facilitate our students as well as the local poor people.
3. We also want to increase the instrumental facilities of the unit.
4. Besides organizing health check up camp we want to arrange health awareness programme
through the unit.
Photo Gallery: Some Activity
Free Health Check Up Free Thalasaemia Test